9 E-Commerce Website Design Mistakes to Dodge 

Dreaming of a thriving online store? The secret sauce always lies in the design. Yet, e-commerce website design mistakes are the silent business killers, often overlooked.

They affect your user experience and site’s performance, acting as invisible repellents for potential customers. But here’s the silver lining – they are fixable.

In this guide, we’ll shed light on these common design missteps and hand you the toolkit to fix them, ensuring your digital storefront isn’t just a pretty face, but a robust, user-friendly marketplace.

1. Recognizing and Rectifying Website Design Mistakes

Given below are common deterrents in e-commerce design that are overlooked, which can affect performance and conversion rates:

Cluttered Design

Visitors are overwhelmed by a busy website design and find it difficult to concentrate on what matters most. It could result in misunderstandings and a bad user experience.

Solution: Use a minimalist design strategy to fix this. Simplify the design by eliminating extraneous components and emphasising strategically positioned visual elements that direct the user’s attention. Make a clear and simple user interface your first priority.

Read more on the importance of a clean design in our Website Development Services.

Unclear Navigation

Users become frustrated by unclear navigation, which frequently raises the bounce rate. Your website should be simple for users to navigate.

Solution: Create a clear hierarchy within the content of your website and a basic, user-friendly navigation structure to solve this problem. Reduce the likelihood that users may leave your website out of irritation by using clear labels and menus that direct them to the content they need.

Dive deeper into the significance of user-friendly navigation in our article on Why Website Development is So Important.

Not Prioritizing Accessibility

Ignoring accessibility can make certain members of your audience uncomfortable, particularly those who are disabled. Making sure your website is accessible and inclusive for all users is crucial.

Solution: Make accessibility a top priority when designing your website to fix this. Make sure that the accessibility guidelines on your website, including WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), are followed. This could entail making sure keyboard navigation works, adding alt text to photos, and making your website screen reader-friendly. By doing this, you encourage inclusion and user pleasure by making your website accessible and friendly to a wider audience.

Know more about the common website design mistakes  you often commit. 

2. Steering Clear of Common Missteps

Here, we discuss three more website design mistakes that can adversely affect your online storefront and how to sidestep them:

Lack of Clear Purpose:

This is the result of not establishing clear objectives for each page on your e-commerce website. Whether it’s to educate visitors about your items, encourage them to buy, or speed up conversions, every page should have a clear goal. The user experience becomes less effective and confusing when there is no defined goal in mind.

Solution: Clearly state the goal of every webpage, be it to inform, convince, or convert visitors. Make sure the content and design go together well to provide consumers with effective guidance.

Mobile Unfriendliness:

This entails having a website design that is not mobile-friendly. Given that mobile users make up a sizable amount of website traffic, failing to have a mobile-friendly design is a critical error. It may lead to a subpar user experience on tablets and smartphones, which would turn off prospective buyers.

Solution: Make your  website mobile-friendly to help reduce this. This meets the demands of mobile visitors and guarantees a seamless user experience across all devices.

Learn more about mobile optimization in our Website Development services.

Inadequate Product Information:

In order to make wise selections, online customers significantly depend on comprehensive product information. Your e-commerce site may lose customers’ trust and discourage conversions if it does not include thorough product descriptions that include photographs, specs, and reviews when applicable. 

Solution: Provide thorough product information, including crisp photos, thorough specs, and, if available, customer testimonials, to foster trust and increase conversions. Give your clients the tools they need to make wise decisions.

Explore the impact of detailed information on user engagement in our article on Why Website Development is So Important.

3. Flawless Functionality

It is crucial to have a flawless experience not just for the users, but also for the search engine crawler bots, so that they can effectively index and rank your website pages. Addressing the following website design mistakes will significantly contribute to refining your website’s functionality and user experience:

Not Optimizing for Search Engines: 

This is a reference to undervaluing search engine optimization (SEO) in your website’s design. SEO is more than simply keyword stuffing; it also requires offering a flawless user experience, which includes a beautifully designed website that is optimized for search engines.

Solution: Make your website’s design search engine friendly. To rank better in search results and improve user experience, this entails building a correct site structure, optimizing for quick loading times, and making sure your website is responsive and mobile-friendly.

Ignoring Social Proof: 

The impact that other people’s beliefs and behaviours have on our own conduct is known as social proof. It has components like endorsements, reviews, and social media mentions that have a big influence on a visitor’s choice to buy and level of confidence.

Solution: Include social proof components in the layout of your website. This can be accomplished by including a section specifically for user evaluations, including social media share buttons for simple content sharing, and displaying testimonials to establish authenticity and confidence.

Ineffective Call to Actions (CTAs): 

Call to actions are the instructions that direct website users to complete desired actions, such buying something, registering, or getting in touch with you. Unrealistic CTA designs may lead to lost chances.

Solution: Make CTAs that are easy to find, appealing, and unambiguous. To increase conversions and accomplish your objectives, use wording that persuades users to take action and thoughtfully distribute these CTAs throughout your website. Optimising user engagement and behaviours on your website requires effective call to action (CTAs).

Scalling Business


In conclusion, any company hoping to succeed online must avoid frequent e-commerce site design blunders. In addition to improving user experience, a well-designed website encourages increased engagement, trust, and eventually conversions. To keep ahead of these website design mistakes and give your users a flawless shopping experience, you must always be learning and changing with the digital world. 

Your digital storefront can genuinely develop into a strong, user-friendly marketplace that optimises sales and client contentment by identifying and fixing these design deterrents, staying away from typical blunders, and concentrating on faultless operation.


Pricing for e-commerce website design can vary significantly based on features, site complexity, and the web designer’s or agency’s level of experience. It may cost many thousand dollars or only a few hundred.

There are numerous in-person and virtual courses available to learn e-commerce web design. Numerous facets of e-commerce website design are covered in the courses available on platforms such as Coursera, Udemy, and edX.

E-commerce drawbacks can include the loss of jobs, worries about data privacy, heightened competitiveness, and the possibility of fraud. In certain situations, it may also be a factor in actual store closures.

Frequently made errors in website design include cluttered layouts, imprecise navigation, insufficient mobile friendliness, disregarding accessibility, and weak call-to-actions. Conversions and user experience may be hampered by this.

Developing websites and online storefronts that are geared toward online sales of goods and services is known as e-commerce web design. It includes things like product information display, mobile responsiveness, UI design, and e-commerce features like payment gateways and shopping carts.

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